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Dana Glover
North Carolina

A 30-something married full-time mother of 2, part-time stepmom of 3; trying to find treasures I've lost along the way.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I am completely exhausted! It is only 10:00 am and I feel as if I have been working 12 hours straight when in truth I've only been up for 3 hours now. All I have done is take Jax (the pup) out to pee and poop about 5 times, clean the kitchen and living room, get the boys dressed and fed (twice), clean up 5 puzzles 3 different times that Hunterman insists on dumping all over the living room while big brother CJ urges him on, make a new friend, put Hunterman down for his first nap and talk to my Mom.

I don't think the weather is helping. It is rainy, cool and so bleak. I just want to get lost in planning the perfect anniversary (March 4th) escape to somewhere tropical and exotic. We took all five kids to Aruba for a week back in September, so our vacation funds are quite low (or nonexistent, but I like to sound optimistic). You would think that trip would be enough to satisfy my adventurous soul for more than 5 months .... uhhh, wrong!! Did you miss the part where I said we took 5 kids?!!?!!?

Of course I can't help but relive the memories of our wedding/honeymoon cruise to Grand Cayman and Jamaica. If I scrinch my eyes shut really hard and get right over one of our scented oil candles, I can smell the beautiful flowers and I can even hear the waterfall that was behind us while we were saying our vows (but I am sitting next to our small zen fountain). I just want time to stand still and let us drink each other in ... I want the opportunity to put all my focus and energy into "us". And to have the warm ocean sparkling in front of us with exotic alcoholic beverages in our hands would be nice. Very nice.

In truth, we will probably end up in a decent hotel around here or if I feel like risking a winter blizzard, I'll reserve a log cabin in the mountains with a hot tub on the deck. But man ... Aruba, Jamaica, come on pretty Mama ............. (sorry, I can't sing!)

posted at 10:07 AM

At Wed Feb 22, 02:48:00 PM, Blogger emily said...

Your honeymoon sounds lovely. We spent ours going to movies and playing monopoly in our apartment. We were planning on taking a romantic "honeymoon" for our 5 year anniversary. We didn't. :( The closest I get to a romantic vacation is going to Las Vegas every fall for a long weekend (my husband has a convention he has to attend and I go too).

Heck, a night away from home sounds good anywhere but the log cabin sounds real nice.

Oh-I'm Emily by the way. I had a teacher named Dana Glover once. FYI. And I'm from NC too (though I don't live there now). Hello!

At Wed Feb 22, 03:33:00 PM, Blogger FarmWife said...

I'm with you on the Jamacia thing. Husband wanted to take an Alaskan cruies for our honeymoon. I said he was free to go, I'd see him when he got home. In actuality we spent 2 nights in a nice little hotel about an hour from us in a historic colony thing. It was nice. Since then, we've been to Nashville and St.Louis. National Geographic explorers we are not.


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