Thursday, May 11, 2006
Battle of the Bad Moods
This is an old picture of Hunterman but it clearly portrays how he and I have been feeling the past 48 hours and counting. He and I have fevers and are feeling quite miserable. Nothing I do seems to make the little fellow happy which makes me feel even worse. Also, I am so exhausted fighting with him every 6-8 hours (use only as directed) to get the motrin down. Needless to say, CJ has had to endure the brunt of my fatigue and shot nerves. By the way, did you know that if you throw a pee-soaked Huggies diaper against the wall, it will basically explode and shower your floor and furniture with squishy urine gel pellets that are impossible to sweep up? If not, you've learned something from me (finally). If so, why don't they put that warning on the diaper box?????
For all the moms out there ... any ideas on what is in store for you on Mother's Day? Did you make any requests or drop any hints? I think my request was quite inexpensive and simple: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me sleep in Sunday morning. When I do feel like stirring, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me breakfast in bed and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me read a book (of my choice to myself) till my heart is content. Any bets this won't happen??
Okay ... I'll quit my griping (bitching) for now (only because my head hurts too much to type).
Hope you all are having a much better afternoon.
It must be in the air. I'm feeling quite b*#$@ myself and noone around me can do anything right. I'm pulling a HUGE attitude adjustment tonight!
Plans for Mother's Day, nah, not really. I got my new blog design as a Mother's Day present. I'm just hoping for a relaxing day.
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