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Dana Glover
North Carolina

A 30-something married full-time mother of 2, part-time stepmom of 3; trying to find treasures I've lost along the way.

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Friday, April 21, 2006
Dragons + Stomach Bugs + Cigarettes = Life

I certainly haven't meant to be neglectful to my blog. Life has sped up considerably for us these days. So, since I have a moment to sit here and contemplate the cards we've been dealt the past two weeks, I will bring you all up to date ... which means a long entry (but with lots of pictures that blogger has thrown haphazardly all over the post).

I finally got a decent picture of CJ sporting his new haircut. I love it. He loves it. We're all happy. He's especially happy because he is now five years old. These pictures were all taken on his birthday. My parents built him (and Hunterman) a huge sandbox with an alligator and dragon thrown in for good measure. The boys have spent many, many hours already in that sandbox -- which means I can't keep our floors clean and we've had to treat Hunterman for a diaper rash because of all the sand he pours down his pants!

I did end up baking and decorating CJ's birthday cake. I took the easy way out though and bought figurines to go on top of the cake. It served its purpose and gave CJ two extra toys for his birthday. I'm worried that his requests for birthday cakes will only become more challenging as his imagination continues to soar.

His party theme was "Knights" -- so it was only appropriate that the guest of honor was a Knight for the day.

I think I've been having nightmares about this alligator. CJ swears he really moves --- just very slowly.

We've slain a few dragons ourselves the past two weeks. Ed was in a motorcycle accident one day last week. Luckily he was not injured at all. The bike has a few scratches and the front fender is bent, but I think it only adds character. Ed, however, feels sick everytime he looks at it now. Ed believes I jinxed him that morning by telling him to be extra careful on the bike because I knew he was tired and his reflexes would be a little slower. I didn't tell him at that time that I had a nightmare the night before where he was killed in a motorcycle accident. My Mom also dreamed that he was hurt in a bike accident that same night. Maybe the fact that we're Aquarians has a bit to do with our prophetic dreams. We've also had to battle a stomach bug. It's made its rounds with all 3 boys twice now. It hit CJ as we sat down to eat his birthday dinner (he requested steak, spinach salad, broccoli, corn on the cob). He wasn't able to eat a single bite of dinner, but he did manage a couple bites of his cake. Ed missed a day of work to suffer silently (well, whiningly) on our couch. It didn't slow Hunterman down much. He would just come get me to change his diaper every hour.

This week our biggest challenge has been allergies. Hunterman comes to me every 30 minutes or so to clean his nose. CJ now has the full-blown coughing, sneezing, congested mess. I hate keeping him on his allergy/asthma medication because it causes behavioral/sleeping problems with him. If he isn't better by Monday, I'll have to bite the bullet and give it to him.

Ed has now been 43 hours without a cigarette. I am so proud of him and soooooo very grateful that he hasn't resorted to being the "GROUCH". He truly seems to be ready to quit. I have to believe that it is related to the news that his Mom probably has throat cancer. They won't know for sure until after the biopsy surgery, but the surgeon was not very optimistic that the 3 masses in her throat were benign. Although Ed is not really a "Momma's Boy", he is extremely protective of his Mom and not able to see her suffer in any way.

That's about all my brain can remember for now. I do have a sad story to share but that will have to wait till another day. I must get into the shower and get ready for a day of chauffeuring and running errands. Happy weekend to all!!

posted at 8:18 AM

At Sat Apr 22, 01:11:00 PM, Blogger FarmWife said...

Wow! What a week. I'm glad to know that Ed wasn't hurt. Sorry about the bike...that sucks.

I hope everyone gets over the creeping crud soon. And I adore the sandbox! That's awesome!

At Wed Apr 26, 08:05:00 AM, Blogger W2W said...

I am glad that Ed was able to walk away from the accident. He is very lucky man!

That was the cutest b'day! I love the piture of the "knight" & the homemade cake. You did a great job.

You parents need to go into the sandbox building business.

At Wed May 03, 02:11:00 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I just gotta say that curly hair must run in the "Glover" gene. My daughter's curly hair is, at times, unruly but I love it! I see your boys have similar curly hair. Wow!


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